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Tips On Health

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Tips On Health Empty Tips On Health

Post  Admin Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:29 am

General Log
16/5/13: I saw that the page had visitors and that felt a little weird. I took a small step back and saw that the old system of logging was messy, so I decided to modify it. I summarized all problems and findings up to date, then split notes by category and then in the future I will log each new note preceeded by date. Sadly I am not in the mood of reading all previous notes and rewriting for better clarity and sense either as the notes are mostly for personal benefit and scattered words are used to reconstruct the experience or draw back the memory so the order of words is not so important (Also I am not a native English speaker so please excuse the unintentional mistakes)
16/5/13: Foreward: When one has matters one needs to tackle or important questions and one expresses them with clarity, then life seems compelled to respond with a solution. It all seems to come down to 1.how important one FEELS that it is to get an answer, 2.The CLARITY and correctness with which you express what you want to find, 3.(I suspect that) Speaking out LOUD (ie not in your mind) your will to another person or friend is an added bonus. 4. After that it all boils down to having an OPEN mind (ie not fogged by thoughts/worries/blames/constant plans) to receive the answer. The answers rarely come as clear words directed to you but may come in the form of a conversation in the next table, or one word that sticks out in a conversation you overhear or in newspaper headline, or a random word in a web page seemingly irrelevant that commands your attention, or hidden in the words of a friend that tries to help you but that as a whole you find annoying and ignorant or foolish, and so on. The answer may even be in the words you casually or carelessly utter while speaking of or describing the problem or something that relates to the problem. With a little practice One may learn to snatch and rescue these words before they slip off into oblivion...
17/5/13: Writing down things on a page wether it is ink markings on paper or funny electronic signals recorded on some type of memory magnetic or otherwise. could be thought of as cheating because the words and thoughts are then somehow trapped in these writings. However cheating can only be possible when there are rules that forbid certain kinds of action and I believe that the only rules in this life are those we decide to impose on ourselves(for the wrong or for the right reasons). In the past I preferred the scientific way of dealing with matters, which although I have not abandoned I find that fishing around for words/images/thoughts/ideas and using them to compose an answer is more metaphysical relaxed and fun. The scientific way is conveniently wrapped up by the words:What, How, Why and IfNot. Pause,Feel,Identify,Declare state as Problem, Analyze parts constituting problem and provide a precise description, Use this description and Cause vs Effect thinking to find a solution by removing or replacing parts present in the problem. This may involve making assumptions and working by Trial and error.
25/5/13: The thumb pain is very persistent, the back seems to improve with all the exercises and there remains the occassional digestive problem. At times like these I feel that I am making a big deal of little things, but then I try reminding myself the importance of the Quality of life we live and the saying "a stitch in time saves nine".After a while what you are and what you can do is defined by the way you feel and the pain or lack of that you host inside your body
I lost an uncle yesterday.At 67 he was not old, and he was strong, active, working on the fields, tending an old mother, a disabled wife and a teenage daughter, and I liked the way his mind worked.Some infection,pesticides,allergy,weakened system from an older lung operation was the doctors verdict. He left us with some memories, some photos and some empty wine demijohns (bottles) we were planning to return. Its sad how very little things remain after someone passes. A song, amovie, words or thoughts on a page, paper or otherwise, are things that capture somewhat the essence of a person and (may) have an impact on others even after death. Out of all the things we fear that will bring us harm, what really and invariably harms us most is that fear.
Categorized Notes
Eyes:(I had dry and burning occasionaly,difficulty opening and adjusting to light after waking)remedied mostly with vitamins(I guess),blinking(after some normal blinks one realizes how to engage eye muscles better when opening and when closing in order to turn this into a muscle exercise, ie stretching open using full face muscles and close tightly engaging cheek muscles and moving eyeballs), palming,massageing eyelids,stretching lower lid and blinking still help but are more of a relief than the cure I think. 16/5/13: An indication or measure of eye health I believe is the ease with which these blinks bring about tears
Skin:(I had pimps or acne like pressed the skin occasionaly so painful that felt compelling to squeeze and break and release the fluid inside)mostly remedied on the face by removing commercial shaving foam/gel and after-shave(at least three different brands were used while the problem existed)I noticed they made my face skin brittle fragile-easily broken and itchy, now I wash/make foam using my concoction of a mix of shampoos where I added aloe juice.When any of the previous problems are observed I use propolis-good for open wounds disinfection and bepanthol cream.Face skin is now mostly healthy however skin on my back and arms is still somewhat afflicted.They are not washed as often as face which is one to three times daily,May test putting propolis into shampoo and honey(note that these results were observed before vitamin intakes)
Funny thing is that as problems are resolved they are becoming much harder to tackle as the symptoms are receeding and make it much harder to experiment and also the motivation to put effort to this is receeding
Shoulder pains: When the right hand was raised there was pain and I could not use muscles after a certain point.Almost completely gone now with only a slight memory of the pain remaining in the muscles.Arm rotations with arms extended or folded helped.As with most excercises repeat until muscles tighten get heavy and start burning
Elbow problems as well as wrist problems were either a result of the shoulder problem or due to the position of the hands on the desk and the use of the mouse(carpal syndrom)Resolved by switching the use of the mouse to the left hand while at home(at the office I still mostly use the right one), watching for tensions due to the placement of hands on the desk(ie high desk/low seat)and finally some excercises with wrist rotations, fingers clenching and stretching etc.
Neck pains (especially when waking after sleep)caused limited functionality and movements of the neck due to pain. Almost completely resolved with this:raise shoulders as high as possible ie near ears, maintain, then use small head movements to massage the lumps on the back left and right, use pain as a guide to the movements you must do, ie try to scratch your ears with your shoulder etc. After these stretch neck by lowering shoulders as much as possible and moving head to the far right and then far left
Thumb pain(it feels like carpal syndrome and appears at the base of the thumb and near the wrist when I open the fingers and stretch or when I pull the thumb back)Still working on it,had only little improvement with exercises(at this location cant find any movement that involves this muscle usualy other muscles are worked out and fatigued first),stretches, massages etc. 16/5/13: In the morning the pain came with increased intensity but after some minutes of work out (open close fist and thumb) it receded again.I am trying to find moves or act(like holding and lifting a chair by the seat or its back)that bring out the pain and then repeat them(with moderate success).
Update:I might have gotten this from using scisors for long times on very tough matterials.I used this gel-creme "choc-apaisyl"(no other reason other than it was the only relevant creme I found at home) and the pain may be retreating. I still do exercises like I rotate the thumb as much as the joint allows, open and close all fingers in a fist and put pressure on the thumb by pushing it on various surfaces or on the body(thighs,arms,jaw) at various angles always judging the efficiency of the movement or the pressure from the pain it produces(movements producing no pain obviously will not affect the afflicted muscles or joints or whatever). Now I can do a wider range of movements without feeling pain, at the end of the the movement/stretch the pain is of a burning type, and when I open/close fingers I hear cracks and creaks like and old door hinge. But it doesnt feel wrong or dangerous. It feels like I should insist onthese movements until the creaks and cracks recede-even though there is no actual pain there. Anew insight: healing by proxy: if the muscles/bones/tissue you want to heal are not very accessible start by exercising the muscles in their proximity. And again you know that an exercise does indeed work when you can bring to the worked out muscles that burning or heavy feeling. Otherwise youshould repeat the exercise or find ways to provide resistance to the movements. I have to note that this is one of the more persistant problems I have been dealing with and I have been working on it for a long time. (Perhaps I should look for another technique more efficient?)17/5/13:I formed a band 2.5 cm wide folding a naylon bag and using duct tape(for an entirely different pupose initially) Then I put my thumb through the loop and started pulling forcefully at various angles
Respiratory: techniques mostly work and so there are no more symptoms for drawing more conclusions. Probably next winter (if applicable)that is if we are still here:) 17/5/13:It feels as if there is a permanent afflicted area in the lungs that produces stuff or mucous that comes out from the mouth. At certain conditions (weather and temperature) it dries out and stops producing but remains dormant. Then certain foods like raw onion seem to loosen it up and there is mucous production again but the pathways are somewhat cleaner. The curious thing is that it doesn seem to completely leave the lungs. Not a big issue  but perhaps some more research is required and experimenting with boiling water and eucalyptus oil or sth {'Net Findings: bronchitis cures: almonds for vitamins, honey, then ?chopped onion covered with honey?, and lemon tea) Little sleep makes you fat because the body realizes you have increased energy requirements and releases cortisol-an appetite enhanser so you eat more during the day!!. Other finding from the 'Net: Warm water with some lemon squeeze and honey-gurgle for the throat and swallow to thin the mucous in the lungs(increased water/fluid consumption will help). Breathe in Steam over a pan of boiling water probably cover head with a towel an add some drop of essential oil like eucalyptus, hot tea, chicken or other broth-based soup,10 glasses of water, avoid dairy and milk (allegedly thickens the mucous?)The Ayourvedans claim that rubbing the fingernails together(bend fingers & rub) increases the blood circulation in the skin of the head and strengthens the hair and lessens the grey hair-gives visible results in six months}22/5/13:When soaked in sweat rub body &sweaty parts firmly with palm to decrease wetness and cold feeling. Replace wet clothes ASAP
Mouth: Used to have bad smell when I brushed them and developed sores(I now attribute these to abrasions and wounds due to sensitive gums and bad brushing technique.these wounds then excrete blood and pus that dies and deteriorates and is swallowed and messes the whole digestive system up-thus the dead rat smell),when I refrained it got better for some days but felt the need to clean as what came out of the teeth affected badly throat stomach and bowells, Pepper and salt spread on tomato slices
Update:Those last days this problem returned much stronger even though I cared diligently for mouth hygiene and believed it to be gone.Both bad mouth taste in the morning and stomach ache acids and bowel gases and nausea and dizyness and racing pulse(like when youre terrified but without the terror).I have no tooth ache even though gums at some places are painful to the pressure(I mean they are more sensitive to pressure than other places).I have to think that some filling(s) may be going bad and this is sad because it is hard to detect even by a pro but anyway I closesd an appointment with my favourite dentist and I hope for the best.I cant pinpoint the source of the bad taste and it seems more intense in the back of the mouth where almost all teeth are filled (or because is near to the stomach?).17/5/13 Today I woke up with a perfectly natural(sweet?) taste in my mouth.No bad taste or bad feeling whatsoever. Yesterday I brushed very slowly and lightly after lunch at 17:00 then we had an exhausting live performance that left me with a strained muscle on my back and pains on the knees from the drum and swollen fingers from carrying the drum when we moved and played.Around 21:30 I returned home and had dinner and a syroupy sweet and I only rinsed my mouth with water before going to bed. So what stand out are these: the sweet syroupy foods or honey or chocolate spread relax the stomach and help saliva to restore mouth equilibrium(lost after brushing) or might it be due to the exercise??. By the way to cool down after or during a heavy work-out or performance, increase your breathing rythm. Especially effective if the environment temperature is lower than body temperature as you essentially exchange heat from inside the body (ie lungs) This is obviously meant for those cases where it is not possible to stop, take a break, use air condition, drink water, use any type of fan etc...
Digestive: Even little jumps or simple knee bends(stopping abruptly) help food to continue on its path in the digestive system so I really not use any of the belly massages any more, decreased abs exercises, but still do some waist twists and stretches.Stand straight, bend slightly foreward so belly muscles are relaxed, put finers inside belly and push in and out slightly downward to activate the bowels and help stuff move towards the exit-this also releases gases trapped there and you may feel some gastric acids
When I eat normal dinner unless it is very early in the evening (5-6 hourls before sleep) or when I eat more than 1-2 fruits and/or a slice of bread with sth spread or drink water and go directly to bed, I usually wake up full of gases feeling nausea and extreme discomfort, which passes relatively quickly after 5-10' standing upright and drinking water. Sometimes feels as if there is a parasite or sth there creating gases.Must search further or seek professional help
The feeling is worse than I can remember but gulping air and directing it through and out of the bowel seems to correct it(anaerobic vacteria?) and the racing heart part seems to come from the alarm clock. I also use 10 drops of propolis diluted in 1 cm of water and this seems to help (It is described in the internet as natural antibiotic and has many other good qualities). Looked up inthe Internet for vacteria of the bowel and came up with SIBO(Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) which seems close to what I experience. Treatment is done with antibiotics and or probiotics (but mainly is in the "research required status" so I have litle hope that physicians here in Greece might be aware of this condition and the health system here is ridiculous
Gulping air is like a yoga thing  but I find it very effective even though sometimes, when it comes up through the throat it may carry with it stuff and smell from the inside.I must practice more so as to force the air downwards. Another insight is that the sore throats and the bad maouth smell I experience sometimes in the morning are due to gastric fluids making their way from the stomach up to the throat during the sleep when the body is horizontal. A quick relief for the throat is breathing in and out from the inside of the elbow:Bent the arm and place your nose in the inside of the elbow covering the nostrils. Move a little so one nostril is not completely blocked and inhale/exhale(It requires force and is also a good lung exercise).If you re wearing clothes you may breath through the clothes(sleeves) but I dont know if it is equally effective.16/5/13:When there is filthy/poisoned air compustion gases, fire smoke etc pull as many clothes as you can(blouse,jackets etc. over your nose and breath this way.Its the most adequate filter you can come up in a short notice.
Back Pain: I have a bad skoliosis and a slipped disk at my lower back that are causing pain. The pain becomes intense after a 15 or so minutes when I stand upright or after some time of walking. Now (with the exercises I do) I can do long walks like about 2 hours before I require a rest of 10-15 minutes to ease off the pain. Waist problems seem slightly connected to the digestive or at least are improved by the same set of exercises: stretches and body twists and bends as they are convienent to do in the sitting or the lying position,hands pulling the knees near the chest while knees resist and pull away-move to any intermediate position also arching the lower back and observing the muscles working and tighening there,2. put hands on thighs near the corso and keeping the arms straight push up with legs and stretch the spine and shoulders (use both legs together or one then the other)(this is the best I have found for stretching separating and so relieving the pressure of the spinal disks on the afflicted area so hopefully muscles will gradually realize and keep the spine in a better position),twists of the waist,moving one knee in front of the other while seated,arching lower back forward and backward. It is like a rocking movement and I now do sideways rocking too or waist rotations(in the upright position).
In my case where the problem is in the lower end of the spine this lower back arching seems to be the key. And I do it in several variations: sitting on a chair(maybe with a pillow under thighs so knees are slightly raised), lying on the bed with the legs in various positions, straight slightly bent with feet steping on bed, clasping the knees and putting various resistanes, or hugging the knees, etc. 16/5/13: I observe a big improvement when walking if I keep my lower back straight(this means muscles puch lower back backwards and pubic area forwards).22/5/13:While seated shift weight on one butt and lift other butt and waist up and away from seat.Change sides and repeat. Also while seated on a chair (preferably with a cushion) arch lower back forward and backward , keeping butt steady on seat.
10/6/2013: tongue :vegetable/USP glycerine,fluoride free toothpaste,baking soda citric acid,B vitamin complex, Running:throw hand forward,large stride,sa if grabbing a clutch and pull back with force proppelling bofy forward. Back :Do the knees exercisestraighten and bend knees up to sitting position while body bends forward and hands are stretched forward(stretching back), Ly on your back then slowly lift hands then back one spine disk at a time counting to 10 before moving to next disk, then straighten up and bend forward and hold your feett and stretch, then go all the way back to where you started
13/6/2013: Pimples the big nasty painful ones have their root deep inside the skin.Press it and massage hard moveing the outer skin in order to break the connection and also dissolve the consentrated stuff. I stoped antibiotics and started up on royal jelly again, Iexperienced once more better control over memory, speech, active, and finished some stuff I was postponing for weeks
14/6/2013: Skin Health:massage and dislodge(loosen, detach, disconnect, disengage, separate) skin from muscle, When sitting drop forward touching hips with belly, Mouth sores: eggyolk with peper, bread butter+honey,lemon with salt, sour cherry juice
15/6/2013¨ My brother changed his medication today to his old prescription after on month of having a different (cheaper) prescription that proved to have unwanted byeffects, and he is a completely different person now. This is infinitely saddening and makes me wonder what "personality" really means... Is it just a soup of chemicals interacting inside the human body?
24/6/2013 Clean eyes (tired/inflamed) with cucumber peels(pass cucumber lightly over half open eyelids,barely touching bulb), Brush teeth every other day, Sit bending forward-touch belly on thighs, Lie back-knees bent-move waist up&down-suck belly
26/6/2013: Sleeping curled up in the armchair seems to cure the backpain!?, I Held that the facial expressions result in acquiring the corresponding feeling, now the feeling of love/compassion I find located in the eyes-lower muscles push up and outer edge muscles push inwards at least as s best as I can express it...
Ideas/patents A door closing by means of a weight:rope on upper right of door passes through upper frame then left frame of door and carries a weight
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22/4/2013 I got snatched again (infection?) We had a live performance on Panorama, I got soaking wet, no clothes to change nor coat, low temperature wind +altitude then the motor bike ride did the trick
I got sore throat which for me is the invariable sign I am getting sick(bone+head aches nasty tongue, spine chills, fever and stuff), then tried every trick I documented (it really provides relif but after a while when I stop the sore starts again)
Then I tried anointing healing ointment for wounds in nostrils then drops of propolis (it burned scared me I damaged my sense of smell)
Then got under blanket curled up in position of an embryo arms pressed on chest, palms pressed on face rub face skin on bone by moving neck(nice neck workout) move waist back/front for workout rub every part of body to another until hot and sweating
When you sweated enough change underwear with fresh wash off swear with slightly wet towel or cloth, rub your body /chest face with any alcohol you can find until you are again dry and hot
Get dressed and under blankets again.
Next thing to try is wether I can intercept the infection process when I am soaking wet . Perhaps dry up with a cloth or rubbing with hands (under or over clothes)??

23/4/2013 Belief and how mind can be tricked. So there is pain in muscles or bones. Tell brain to start the healing process. After a while (half hour an hour a day) test the pain. But dont go to the limit. Do the movement so that pain slightly surfaces. Tell brain the healing process has started and is successful. If the pain gets more acute tell brain it is the pain from the mending of the cells as they are restructured and sawn together to build new healthy tissue. (This works for me as it is in accordance with my knowledge of the body and cells and is believable. Others may try sth in accordance with their own beliefs and knowledge)
After some time youtubing I have to comment:
Blink is a nice notion:Blink and pick the fist thought/feeling in this moment because it comes from instinct - the perception of our unconscious
Brain restructures itself according to the requirements(movements, sensory interpretations, visualisations) People deaf blind without balance learn to do these functions aided with mechanical gadgets sending proper signal to the tongue surface and the correspoding areas in the brain become activated as those people who have these functions. There was a little girl born with half a brain(one hemisphere) and the motor/sensory etc functions were mapped on the existing hemisphere enableing her to function more or less normally

24/4/2013 I have spent so much time trying to find techniques to avoid negative thoughts to avoid the nagging voices inside that blame get angry at my self and others to find various things or actions annoying or even unbearable. I admit not without success.
However now that I am experimenting with vitamins and medical stuf and royal jelly I find that these things I have strived hard to achieve come natutally and effortlessly.
Its kind of dissappointing as I expected the things that make you angry and upset at the world to be dealt with in some spritual realm and now it turns out they are mostly due to some chemical imbalance that causes a deviation from the healthy state in the physical realm

26/4/2013 Palms pressed on face very intense rubbing up and down (effective for headaches,drunkenness,drowsiness)
Stand half a step away from wall turn around fall on wall and push away with hands(spine exercise)

27/4/2013 When beating the bad guy uncover the head and stretch the skin back
When your lungs are blocked after illness eat raw onion rings(burning salted with roasted meat and coke ?relevant?) The lungs clean up

28/4/2013 Even though they are helpful for bowel emptying all the tricks:Eating fruits, drinking more water,abs exercises,belly massageing,various positions and twists of the body,drinking water after meals, amount to nil if you dont "TAKE A SHOT" at it.So whenever you empty your bladder sit down and give it a try.If you dont the junk near the exit becomes drier as more water is sucked from it and functions as a cork making much more difficult to relieve yourself. In fact when one empties the bladder in an upright position, the bowell exit is (in)voluntarily tightened and blocked to avoid dirtying the underpants. This makes the problem even worse

30/4/2013 After onion restore taste buds with fresh orange and then milk
Teeth washing:put 3/4 tooth paste on brush(both soap and lubricant adequate to avoid scarring) (avoid under the tongue absorption?) press hard brush on teeth and rotate around handle SLOWLY (the slower the less scars)when sufficient soap you may increase speed and also brush (lightly) gums
When in bed hold knees and stretch push knees away and arch back,put hands on thighs and pulls legs up to stretch spine and shoulders. This can also work in the sitting position

06/05/2013 I regularly take royal jelly now every morning, however after the first spectacular improvement there are no visible changes to be observed. This seems reasonable and I experience a steady relief in the following:
knee pain is rare now and mostly after I keep it in wrong position, memory is better-I form and speak thoughts easily without long pauses searching for desired words, make less faux-pas and instantly correct misunderstandings, most importantly things that made me brood and worry and work around in my mind for days now seem unable to vex me.

30/4/2013 After onion restore taste buds with fresh orange and then milk
Teeth washing:
put 3/4 tooth paste on brush(both soap and lubricant adequate to avoid scarring)
(what about under the tongue absorption?)
press hard brush on teeth and rotate around handle SLOWLY (the slower the less scars)
when there is sufficient soap foam, you may increase speed and also brush (lightly) gums

Spine stretching and exercise (Lazy mode:)
When in bed hold knees and stretch pushing knees away and arch back,
put hands on thighs and pull legs up keeping arms straight to stretch spine and shoulders.
This can also work in the sitting position

Bowel Health:
Even though they are helpful for bowel emptying all the mentioned tricks:
Eating fruits, drinking more water,abs exercises,belly massageing,various positions and twists of the body,
drinking water after meals, amount to nil if you dont "TAKE A SHOT" at it.
So make a habit of it and whenever you empty your bladder sit down and give it a try.
If you dont the junk near the exit becomes drier as more water is sucked from it
and functions as a cork making much more difficult to relieve yourself.
In fact when one empties the bladder in an upright position, the bowell exit is (in?)voluntary tightened
and blocked in order to avoid dirtying the underpants. This makes the problem even worse

When your lungs are blocked after illness eat raw onion rings. The lungs clean up
(I have to check effectiveness if eaten mixed with other food to decrease burning sensation
or if fresh onions work too, also I consumed it salted, aside with roasted meat and coke ?relevant?)

26/4/2013 Palms pressed on face very intense rubbing up and down (effective for headaches,drunkenness,drowsiness)
Stand half a step away from wall turn around fall on wall and push away with hands(spine exercise)

24/4/2013 I have spent so much time trying to find techniques to avoid negative thoughts to avoid the nagging voices inside that blame get angry at my self and others to find various things or actions annoying or even unbearable. I  admit not without success.
However now that I am experimenting with vitamins and medical stuf and royal jelly I find that these things I have strived hard to achieve come natutally and effortlessly.
Its kind of dissappointing as I expected the things that make you angry and upset at the world to be dealt with in some spritual realm and now it turns out they are  mostly due to some chemical imbalance that causes a deviation from the healthy state in the physical realm

23/4/2013 Belief and how mind can be tricked. So there is pain in muscles or bones. Tell brain to start the healing process. After a while (half hour an hour a day) test the pain. But dont go to the limit. Do the movement so that pain slightly surfaces. Tell brain the healing process has started and is successful. If the pain gets more acute tell brain it is the pain from the mending of the cells as they are restructured and sawn together to build new healthy tissue. (This works for me as it is in accordance with my knowledge of the body and cells and is believable. Others may try sth in accordance with their own beliefs and knowledge)

After some time youtubing I have to comment:
Blink is a nice notion:Blink and pick the fist thought/feeling in this moment because it comes from instinct - the perception of our unconscious
Brain restructures itself according to the requirements(movements, sensory interpretations, visualisations) People deaf blind without balance learn to do these functions aided with mechanical gadgets sending proper signal to the tongue surface and the correspoding areas in the brain become activated as those people who have these functions. There was a little girl born with half a brain(one hemisphere) and the motor/sensory etc functions were mapped on the existing hemisphere enableing her to function more or less normally

22/4/2013 I got snatched again (infection?) We had a live performance on Panorama, I got soaking wet, no clothes to change nor coat, low temperature wind +altitude then the motor bike ride did the trick
I got sore throat which for me is the invariable sign I am getting sick(bone+head aches nasty tongue, spine chills, fever and stuff), then tried every trick I documented (they did provide relief but after a while when I stop the sore starts again)
Then I tried anointing healing ointment for wounds in nostrils then drops of propolis (it burned and scared me I damaged my sense of smell)
Then got under blanket curled up in position of an embryo arms pressed on chest, palms pressed on face rub face skin on bone by moving neck(nice neck workout) move waist back/front for workout rub every part of body to another until hot and sweating
When you sweated enough change underwear with fresh ones, wash off sweat with slightly wet towel or cloth, rub your body /chest face with any alcohol you can find until you are again dry and hot
Get dressed and under blankets again.
Next thing to try is wether I can intercept the infection process when I am soaking wet . Perhaps dry up with a cloth or rubbing with hands (under or over clothes)??

Αγάπη-Γνώση -Ταύτιση - Αίσθηση

expell air from lungs,seal throat
light up the brain, intense eyes bulbs bulging, tingle in brain/fire expanding from areas to the whole, accelerated senses/activity and production of chemicals for pleasure/healing
κρούση Τριβή σε βαθος ,επιφανειακή τριβή με θέρμανση ιστών  προάγουν θεραπεία πληγών, γάζα με μαύρο (σε οινόπνευμα/λάδι)πιπέρι για πόνους μυών
Rinse eyes with water+little sampoo to create tears and clean ducts and nose
Mouth sores:tomato or lemon or cherry fruit/juice lightly salted,propolis (8-10 drops dissolved in water)
Sit on chair, legs-knees @right angles, raise knees,arch back, suck in belly then
feel and direct tension at your back location you need to target(higher/lower) 14-4-2013
Bumping/hitting softly until pain(for bones) may be used as massage also,
vibration, deep tissue massage, surface rubbing until tissue is heated up promotes healing
I been lazy again
From an early period of my life I held that there is no such thing as badness/malevolence/jealousy/hate.
What we encompass with these terms are just symptoms of a "disease"
or rather degrees of divergence from a healty state.
And what I have in mind is more in the physical plane than the menta/spiritual.
True all of these states are interconnected but probably as it is we have more influence in that plane
It all started when I had my second virus infection this year after a short period from the first.
Generally I dont have infections or just very light ones.
This had me thinking I should try some immune boosting supplement,
chemist suggested Propolis+Pollen+Royal_Acerolla ampules.
I have taken 3 till now and lots changed in the way I feel, see and ease I think speak and interact with others.
A result I consider amazing since a physical change induced improvements
I could not achieve in years of trying through trial and error, studying searching thinking or meditating

Life/the World/God(s)/the Spirits and everything speak to US through a thousand mouths.
We simply have to be THERE to hear.
The Pain the Grief the Sense of Loss, and all the other goodies are not obstacles in this world
they are gifts that we are meant to experience, to savour as we walk down (or up?) the path.
Just as the "good" feelings like happiness, love, joy they are meant to be visited but not dwelled in
cause then the mind gets thwarted and loses focus in states like Arrogance lack of consideration
or depression and suicides. The whole thing is just a game, a trip and what we meet along the way
are there for decoration-meant to make their impression and then make room for the next.
There were periods in my life I denied all feelings. I know feelings can be routed out successfuly and
this gives a pleasant sense of freedom and invulnerability. Even though it helped me at the times
to keep my sanity and my life, I now believe that feelings must be accepted and experienced
but not allowed to lead us off the path. 1/3/2013

The power of the SPOKEN word:
I used to believe that thinking about something you want
and visualizing yourself having it gets you closer to that reality
I have been surprised to experience that voicing your wishes/request out loud
(?to somebody else? regardless who) gives much more direct results

Trying to silence internal dialog after an intense word exchange still remains a challenge for me
It remains with me for hours eating its way through and thwarting my attempts for sleep
Tried cold water(remove heat from head), alcohol, muscular excercise-hyper ventillation
Blinking/REMing, music, Binaurals?,
The problem is probably a matter of awareness,
so when out on the street watch the eyes of the people and the stories they tell
and when lying in bed shift awareness inside the body listening to heartbeats,
feeling the heat from the organs thepressures and tensions of muscles
and finaly dispense and relax

Freeing internal gases:palm ass-cheeks and undulate up-down left-right
use both in standing upright position or lying on bed face down 1-2-2013

Trying to define LOVE is hard:knowledge,touch,feel,blend,merge,identity,be(may have recipient or not-global)
ΑΓΑΠΗ:γνώση, ταύτιση, αίσθηση, βίωμα (με αποδέκτη-πχ πρόσωπο ή χωρίς-συνολική/παγκόσμια)1-2-2013

New Year notes are messy and disorganized but I am simply lazy-I just jot down thoughts-after all it is not exact science just thoughts to remind of states and provoke more thoughts 17-1-2013

Cortical thalamic pause(Van Vogt-Players of Null-A), stay cozy, close eyes, roll eyeballs up and rotate fluid (energy ?) in brain once or twice then flow through neck down the spine to the base then recoil backup. If possible keep the recoilis going or else repeat from start

Pausing internal dialog With Eyes slightly closed/squinting at nose ridge/REMing) visualize gush of air on face pulling hair& skin backwards getting chill and washing thoughts away (freeing the space for higher communications)

For ice cubes fill large baloon with water tie up, press down on a grid of squares, put in freezer

Gravity/vibration/impact shock improve muscles and bones -> local jumps (also good for intestines)
I usually drink a glass of water then fruit then another glass
mimirobics for face(expanding contracting retaining) wrinkles &waking,
lower exit expanding-contracting(same moves as when "relieving" yourself) lower belly contracting, belly surface rubs and deep belly finger digs, great for bowel movement!

Use cold(ie water) to fight cold afflicted muscles??anoint with spirit??(improvement has strong correlation with milk consumption!-prefer full fat as they contain more vitamins/substances soluble in fat), for rubs try spirit(alcohol), oil(olive), ice in a towel/cloth(no direct application)
for pain neck little movement upto the edge of pain, knee-exercise adjacent muscles?,
For neck shoulderss, arms pains do exercise:extensions/rotations in all possible directions especially those that initiate the pain, start softly then go harder, repeat until hot/burn

To decrease damage/pain on a knee make sure to keep it in an angle of around 135 deg and the thigh horizontal. -4-1-2013

The eyes are the gate where the light enters the body... ...not only in the physical sense 14-12-2012
When it is cold and the extremities freeze, it is (also?) due to "involuntary" contraction of muscles
that cut off blood supply.

Whirring like a cat or vibrating with breath, shoothes and relaxes -14/11/2012

Visualize hords of termites rashing through the body
eating away at the pain and  the fatigue and the damage
and sawing up and mending the damaged cells.-6/11/2012

The reason of human existence: is to partake in the Glory of God
To promote global awareness.
At a certain level awareness will actually shape reality or become reality

Use the things you need to do in order to do the things you need (?!)
(Remeber the karate Kid that while washing the windows actually practiced martial arts)

Guts:Stand upright,half bend forward 45 deg,palm your guts,and comb with fingers downwards
Little jumps:stand ontoes then drop, repeat with rythm
(nice for moving intestine contents towards the exit)-6/11/2012

Stomach/Intestine problems nausea gases etc little jumps with a bigger every 4th, start very small and dont overdo it focus on breath, Power walk onspot:Raise knee to chest,push foot on ground with force arching lower back(like rain dance)
Στομαχι -Instead of jumping and folding try thumping with fists and tighten muscles for best result
if there was a rain dance how do you think it you be like? (run, raise knees, move head back and forth like summoning rain with it)
Stomach trouble at sleep time: Lie on belly, right leg in right angle, rub belly on bed

u want a change in your body(pain, heal etc)? CALL it directly(the change)
Body awareness as a comfortable cloth, bear (=carry)/wear body as a comfortable vestiment,
Direct energy by "blowing" your breath in  or out but actuall letting very little air to flow
To evict? any pain do deep throaty la la la sounds (ala pavarotti)

To break out of states.conditions in life that disappoint you,consider acting contrary to your (initial) urges. If your initial reaction is to go away then stay an fight, if to get angry then seek reasons to be content or happy,if to say yes then say no,if to be defensive then be offensive
Main reason for the problems in interhuman communication and conflicts is self-centeredeness(egotism) and upholding contradicting beliefs in the mind

The moment between moments:The place where all true perception and intuition lives and dies outside (mostly) of our awareness
REM -play with the eyes (in out/up/down/change focus/intensity)when they learn enough about the mechanism they probably be able to reprogram the brain/body with this technique

Neck pain:raise shoulders to ears and rotate head,rub ears on shoulder,touch chin on shoulder far back as possible
After checking:raise shoulders to ears,make vey small moves massaging the lumps on the back with the head,
use extreme caution, possible bone damage by friction
Strengthen:Run the length of the neck over the back of the lapel from the hair to lower neck and stretch like acordeon
pushing chin near the body

καιρός(Αγίας Βαρβάρας)= καιρός(Χριστούγεννα) ??
Ελιές στην άλμη (600γρ αλάτι/δοχείο(10litre),3-4 αλλαγές νερού, μετά αλάτι,κίνηση δοχείου,Ανακάτωμα Ελιές, ),
Πιπεριες¨ βρέξε με αλάτι και ξύδι, ανακα΄τεψε να ρουφήξουν, βάλε σε βάζο σκέπασε με΄ελαιόλαδο

Μassage grain w/ middle finger(eye-nose corner to open tear pore,very small moves and proper pressure)
On bed support head weight on palms holding the eye bone frame& do little head movement to massage eye muscles,
Eyes wide open(feel awe)(maybe mouth too) then eyes slowly-forcefully-tightly shut,count then repeat (50),
Keep lower eyelids Stretched open with fingers and blink against the tension(good for oxygen & cleaning)

Skoliosis ?testing? ly on back-arch back(yoga)ly on face-raise legs,move each knee fore/back (sitting or lying), arch back foreward, crunches-hands behind neckraise torsoand bend to touch knees combine with torso turnsallthe way or even better at 45 degrees and bicycle!!

Stand upright,open legs as far apart,turnhead right,bend right knee,sit deep&body straight,tighten core,repeat with left knee
For knees:the pose of the stork Bent leg sideways, Place the sole of the foot over the knee of the other leg
the foot pushes the knee and the knee pushes the lower back

Cold legs=bad circulation->massage legs under scrotum and strangle hands,move back & forth)

Eye Palm(Cupping vacuummUp-down,left-right,elbows on bed eyes on palms, move head),


When throat tickles/scratches=Onfection:Put thumb and index on nostrils aply pressure and move nostrils-Fingers should slowly slide away from the nose like pulling the virus(allong with some mucous),other nose massages:full nose massagle up-down,lower nostril massage back and forth util wet, or keep nostrils closed and hold breath

moleculetuneup:use both hands,tight as possible,cut-off circulation

Teeth:Place brush against teeth-gum joining and rotate on handle-axis,rinse very thoroughly
the tooth-paste is not only for cleaning but for reducing friction and wounds from brush-so apply adequate
for mouth sores/painful wounds/abrasions from brushing, try sth with ?pepper? diluted? water?-14/11/2012
Spay grinded black pepper on tongue and use saliva to disperse in mouth, refrain from swallowing-16/11/2012
Press Teeth Gums Saliva Glands+Test, Suck air out of mouth increasing pressure from tongue tip to throat

Θεραπείες δημοφιλείς οζον,εχινακεια, βιταμίνη C,κανναβις

Poison-Medicine:Some medicine is stregthening the organism and the defenses.
Most however are poisons that we as humans are more resistant than the organisms that infect us
They create an environment not viable for them.-16/11/2012

Masochism:and pain:Brain? produces drugs/substances to alleviate pain so when
pain affliction stops one is full of drugs and a sense of pleasure-16/11/2012

The right stance/walk: Elbows as near to the ribs as possible, Hands moving front and slightly inside,
Lower back pushed behind to eliminate arch,Legs swinging from the hip and then from the knee,
and feet fully applied to the ground and pulling it backwards-16/11/2012
Older snippets:
Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease -4-1-2013

The past is gone, the future yet to be, the present just that-a gift wrapped for us to enjoy Andromeda Ep4.12
You might say reality is the result of complex negotiations between the observer and the observed. But that is simply a point of view -Andromeda Ep3.12
The God does not speak to those who have no time to listen-"Crystal Caves Mary Stewart -4-1-2013
Some say the molecules are attracted to each other by weak forces. Why not say that the Universe is held together by Love-Andromeda,Ep5?  -4-1-2013
Those people who do not believe that magic exists, have not really known Love  -4-1-2013

if sticks and stones can break your bones,words can never harm you.
Never mind the dog -)
Beware of owner
Foolishness is its own punishment
Nothing have, nothing lose
Of all the things I lost, I miss my mind the most
There are 3 kinds of people – those who can count and those who can't.
Ζούμε προκαταβολικά τον θάνατό μας
You think your agony and pain is unbearable?
 then read the eyes of the people.

 Η γνώση οδηγεί στην κατανόηση
 Με την κατανόηση μπορεί ο άνθρωπος
 να βρεί την θέση του μέσα στον κόσμο
 Η γνώση είναι απόρροια της αναζήτησης
 λογικών σχέσεων ανάμεσα σε αίτια και αποτελέσματα
 Τι - Γιατί και Πως και ΑνΔε
Ο εγκέφαλος και η αντίληψη βασίζεται στην σύγκριση και τις διαφορές
Αν κάτι δεν ξεχωρίζει δεν γίνεται αντιληπτό
 Πλουσια τα ελέη του Κυρίου
 Οίνος ευφραίνει καρδίες ανθρώπων
 Mountains are not escapes, they are entrances
 Λυχνίας σβυσθείσης πάσα γυνή Ελαίς



Posts : 9
Join date : 2007-10-30


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